Elder Matthew Alexander's mission blog

Elder Matthew Alexander's emails and letters home in one convenient place for family and friends. The title of the blog "In Brightest Day" comes from the Green Lantern, because as a missionary Elder Alexander is bringing the light of the gospel to the world.

Only immediate family is allowed to email, but Elder Alexander would love a snail mail letter from you. All mail should be sent to the Nevada Las Vegas West Mission office via USPS (not FedEx or UPS) and will be forwarded to him the next day.

Elder Matthew Alexander
Nevada Las Vegas West Mission
4455 Allen Lane, #140
North Las Vegas, Nevada, 89031

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Email: July 5, 2011

I'll get some of his past emails and letters posted this week but here's his most recent email:

I think I told you we have Snoop Dog aka Mahlik set with a baptism  on sunday thats pretty cool. then our other investigator cindy is doing well, we tracted in to a guy on thursday who was Evanglist and he said he wanted to talk to us but he really just preached to us for 2 hours about the Bible and trying to save our souls because we were so utterly wrong about everything and so on whenever we tried to get a word in he either cut us off or ran to get us another bottle of water( he gave us 8, and we drank 6) the whole time saying he was doing this for us out of his love for us. we finally just had to leave for a dinner appointment, he was overall cool and i liked him so please don't think i was speaking negatively about him, me and my companion found most of what he was telling us stuff we already knew or was humorous.  then on friday we ran into a really cool family who answered the door " ooh the Missionaries we love you guys, come on in and let me get you some water" in a very happy excited voice. it turns out that the woman who answered the door her grandma was a member but moved to a small town in canada that didn't have any other members, and they had a lot of resect for what we believe, teach and do. we ended up giving the woman who invited us in (kelly) and her mom Book's of Mormon, her aunt was there as well and we all had a good discussion.
It rained on Sunday, with lightning that was really cool and it looks/smells like it is going to rain today.
i thinks that is all for now

There are also some new pictures coming soon - with captions this time!

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